Friday, May 17, 2013

Trevor Gregg, Tayler H. Madeline D. Samantha J.

Frankenstein Visual Art
"Back to Democracy" Artist:

            This picture portrays Frankenstein monster in a different way than most artists portray him. This picture is dark and has a softened and curious tone to it. It still has rugged pieced together qualities. The viewers eyes are often drawn to the huge cut around his face. The most prevalent part of the picture are his eyes. While they still have dark qualities they also show innocence and intelligence.

Frankenstein Music
Dear Frankenstein by Creighton Doane

             This song is almost as if it is through the creature’s perspective and how it was hurt. The lyrics give the song an overall feeling of darkness and of the Gothic style. The lyrics portray this gothic feeling by accurately describing the rejection that Frankenstein’s creature feels throughout the book. Creighton Doane expresses sadness and being neglected/ abandoned, as does the creature in the book. Doane talks about Frankenstein being “selfish,” which is another theme that comes into play when he runs away from the creature in the novel. The songwriter also portrays prejudice when he writes about Frankenstein not wanting him. The creature goes through this with Frankenstein and with people in general, and just as Doanne also writes, considers killing himself. 

Frankenstein Literature
Three Worlds”  by Paizli Palmrose

This poem gives the unique perspective of seeing the world in three different ways. The first world is a happy and loving world where there is an acceptance of all. This is in opposition to the second world which is prejudiced,  and fearing, and creates boarders between the people. The first world is like the world that the creature witnesses while watching the cottagers and their lives, while the second represents the creatures life and his separation. The third world is where the first and the second come together and the second can be accepted into the first in harmony. This third world is what the creature desperately wishes for , that he, the ugly and terrible can be accepted in to the lives of the loving and beautiful.
Comparison of 3 Mediums
         All three mediums show the monster ina different light, and explore different ways of looking at him. The art shows his hideous body, but under close inspection reveals a deep thinking and smart monster. The song talks a lot about how the monster is hurt and how he is a victim, and that Frankenstein himself is the real monster. The poem looks at the world of the monster, the horrible ugly one, but also looks at the possibilities of better worlds with the monster, if people overcame their prejudices towards him. All of the mediums definitely take the side of the monster, and view Frankenstein as the real evil, prejudice one. They all portray the monster as ugly, and hideous, but not as bad or evil, just hurt and segregated against. Overall they all do a good job on displaying the true monster of the book, not the distorted one most see on media today.


  1. The photo or painting realy signifys how differnt the monster or creature is, compared to every day humans. The song proves that even if the monster doesnt look the same as normal humans, it still has feelings.~Morgan S.

  2. I liked how the picture portrayed Frankensteins monster. It is very different than how other painters and artists portray Frankensteins monster

  3. I like the picture too! It shows the sweetness that the creature really contains throughout the book and that there is more going on with him than just being a freak thing.

  4. The art piece was interesting because it shows a different image of the creature the reader wouldn't imagine. The poem was good because it shows the perspective from the monster and how it feels.
