Friday, May 17, 2013

Marcus T, McCall C, David S, Spencer C



This painting of Frankenstein includes a lot of different colors and not just the green and yellow you would expect. Colors such as red, turquoise, mustard yellow and an olive green are present on his face and surroundings. There is no such thing as "coloring in the lines" on this piece for unclean paint strokes continue to be almost scribbled around his head. Frankenstein looks very serious and miserable as colorful tears fall from his eyes.




Hansel and Gretel got left on a bridge,
scary place,
chilly like a fridge,
Owls howling in the moonlight.
They're so scared,
But they see a bright light,
The ginger bread house,
In it an old witch quiet as a mouse,
As they walk up,
She walks out
Now she invites them to eat the couch
While their back is turned she grabs an axe
Now from behind their skulls are cracked
she starts chopping wack wack wack,
Into the stew their meat goes,
it is so yummy to an old raggity hoe

"A Sick And Twisted Mind In A Rhyme" by Matthew Petranovich

This poem takes an older normal story and puts a twist on it. In this story the monster is actually possible, an old woman, rather than a gruesome demon. There is a lot of rhyming and similies since it was in a poen. This is short but has underlying themes of betrayl and decievement.


Promises by Nero
The lyrics of this song are more relevant to Frankenstein then the music is. ONe extremely relevant part is when it says "that you never want to leave my side, as long as I don't break these promises." This is relevant because by creating life, Victor subconciously made a promise to sustain and keep close to it. Victor, after he creates the monster, abandons it and therefore breaks his promise. He also broke his promise of being responisble for the monster after it kills William. Also, he lets Justine die which is leaving her side and not being a trustworthy man.


Comparing these mediums, one can see the obvious similarities to Frankenstein. The art and literature both have gothic feels to them. The music has is similar to the book because it relates to Victor breaking his promises. Victor never mad spoken promises, but by creating life he was obligated to care for his creation. Even though the music is more of a modern type, if you try really hard, you can maybe see some gothic parts to it like with literature and art.


  1. I have never seen that picture of Frankenstein. It really interested me and your description was really well said. Good job!

  2. I enjoyed the painting that you chose because it has many different colors and portrays the creature, not as a dark monster, but as a living being with emotions and feelings. I also particularly liked that you compared the story of Victor to another popular story like the tale of Hansel and Gretel

  3. The poem on this blog is totally gothic and creepy. Thank you i will now never again eat stew.

  4. I agree that the poem is about deceit. The song was catchy, and I feel like the plot of the video was dark and could definitely be classified as having gothic themes.

  5. I was surprised with your song choice, yet you were able to relate it to the novel, and it really worked out in the end. You exposed some themes I wasn't necessarily expecting. I give it a 10/10, I would analyze your work again.

  6. I really enjoyed all three of the pieces. The picture and the music were both interesting and Gothic and they both brought out the themes and characteristics. But I'm glad that this song was chosen because it highlighted many other important parts in the book other than just the monster. Good Job!

  7. Cool pictures! I like how you really connected the stories to Frankenstein! Nicely done!
