Friday, May 17, 2013

Morgan S, Anika K, Maddy S, Kade O


~“Wander Above the Sea of Fog” By Casper Fiddich~
This piece of art is actually the cover of the novel. It shows a young man standing on rocks leading to what looks like a cliff. It is a very gloomy picture that has a very depressed theme going on. The man looks onward into the fog and looks to be thinking above everything. It was painted in the same era the book Frankenstien was written in. ~Kade 


~“Mad World “ by Gary Jules~
The song “Mad World” by Gary Jules is about a man being isolated from society as the people around him are consumed in their own worlds. The artist creates a mournful, melancholy feel though its slower tempo and its minor key. The melody in this song is very repetitive, showing how the artist tries the same things over and over again, but to no avail. However, despite his recurrent, unsuccessful attempts, he still maintains the hope that he will be freed from isolation. This song gives off an air of observing and spectating the flurry of life as a though one is disconnected from it. Overall, the mood is pensive, brooding and isolated 
from the surrounding world.~ Anika


~“Writing on Fear of Death” By Sri Chinmoy~

"Writing on Fear of Death" strongly highlights Frankenstein’s fear. In the story, it states directly that death is natural and not detrimental. Frankenstein’s creation represents his ambition to overcome natural death, yet throughout the book we see that nature is positive towards connection with humans. Creating the monster was Victor’s attempt to overcome death by going against nature. This excerpt's emphasis on overcoming the fear of death connects to Frankenstein’s ambition and work, yet the importance of natural ways is very much overlooked.~ Maddy
~~~~~~"Writing on Fear of Death"~~~~~~
By Sri Chinmoy
Death is natural. Nothing natural can be detrimental. Death is rest. Rest is strength in disguise for a further adventure.   
At the present state of human evolution, to conquer Death may be an impossibility. But to overcome the fear of death is not only practicability, but inevitability. 
Death is normally the sign that the soul, under the particular circumstances, has exhausted the possibilities of its progress in a particular body.



Though all the mediums listed have many similarities, a few maintain a strong connection including isolation, depression, and gloom. In the art example, it’s a gloomy looking painting that brings in the sense of nature or natural things into the real every day life that people in the Romantic Era focused on. In the music example, it says things that can be categorized as depression and gloom and isolation; it gives an example of depression when he says that "he hangs his head". It also brings up a theme of isolation in the song because he says that he is "nervous" to be around people, a form of isolation. The tone of the song is set in a minor key thus making is sound sad and gloomy. In the medium of literature, it brings up the day to day fear of death that is just a part of life. In all three mediums, life, isolation, depression, and gloom are common themes that connect them.~ Morgan


  1. Your choice of music and the way you worded what it was about fit perfectly with Frankenstein. I can see the connection between the two, well done!

  2. Your choice of music and the way you worded what it was about fit perfectly with Frankenstein. I can see the connection between the two, well done!

  3. The song Mad World goes along very well with Frankenstein's monster. They are both lonely and thoughtful and want to be a part of society.

  4. The song you chose went perfectly with the themes in Frankenstein and related well with the creature. I liked how you used the cover of the book as your artwork. Good job!

  5. (Being a little late it makes me look stupid when I say that) the choice of music that you guys chose was great! I really thought that the sadness and the despair depicted in the sing really related to what the monster must've felt.

  6. I enjoy the art chosen because it really grasps the tension of the novel. The literature also grasps the huge symbol of nature in Frankenstein, but in all romantic literature.
